First Mel Gibson and now this!

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Post by Adonis » Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:09 pm

damn nigger

have a happy thanskgiving


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Post by Adonis » Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:13 pm

It's just a word get over it

now actions and real deep down feelings-that's another thing

think about this

you big up some guy because he's cool, but you don't really like his music

what's the difference?

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Post by pieter » Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:56 pm

Adonis wrote:It's just a word get over it

now actions and real deep down feelings-that's another thing

think about this
reminds me of frank zappa "those are just words".
but it's true - the feelings that came up in his rage are more scary.

i also thought he was doing some "shock art / humour" at first (you hear people laughing in the beginning), but man, he's really angry - that's not an act no longer.

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Post by steve-o » Thu Nov 23, 2006 5:46 pm

Adonis wrote:interesting

I'm always open to learning new things so which countries have a similar make up as the US?

Not including the countries in Africa

I did research this summer on racism in France, particularly the intersection between racism and law. I talked to hundreds of people from all walks of life - poor Algerians, students at the National Judge School (in France students go to school to be a judge), quite a few people of mixed races. In my opinion, France (at least the urban areas) on the surface is pretty diverse, and there seems to be much more integration between the races - there are, at least from my research many more interracial couples, and I rarely saw groups of children that were not racially mixed - africans, asians, whites, arabs. In short the population seemed to be less segregated than the States, although the trend seems to be changing toward more segregation.

However, in the interviews I did, "subtle" racism is just as prominent as it is over here. For example, many talked about racial profiling by the authorities. The student body at the judge school contained pehraps around 10 students of color (out of hundreds). The student judges I talked to told me that the docket in criminal cases is dominated by muslim and african names. Many talked about the difficulty to attain upward mobility (although there are other factors in France which likely affect this as well).


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Post by hoffman2k » Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:05 pm

steve-o wrote:
Adonis wrote:interesting

I'm always open to learning new things so which countries have a similar make up as the US?

Not including the countries in Africa

I did research this summer on racism in France, particularly the intersection between racism and law. I talked to hundreds of people from all walks of life - poor Algerians, students at the National Judge School (in France students go to school to be a judge), quite a few people of mixed races. In my opinion, France (at least the urban areas) on the surface is pretty diverse, and there seems to be much more integration between the races - there are, at least from my research many more interracial couples, and I rarely saw groups of children that were not racially mixed - africans, asians, whites, arabs. In short the population seemed to be less segregated than the States, although the trend seems to be changing toward more segregation.

However, in the interviews I did, "subtle" racism is just as prominent as it is over here. For example, many talked about racial profiling by the authorities. The student body at the judge school contained pehraps around 10 students of color (out of hundreds). The student judges I talked to told me that the docket in criminal cases is dominated by muslim and african names. Many talked about the difficulty to attain upward mobility (although there are other factors in France which likely affect this as well).

Just like America. Europe also has to deal with immigration.
We're surrounded by wars (refugees). And we look like the promised land to most north africans. Who try to get to England thru most major sea ports.
I live next to Zeebrugge, Belgium.
I see these people all the time, trying to get on boats, trucks, cars,...

Refugees also bring criminality. They spent a fortune to some human smuggler who ditches them somewhere in Europe...
Then they have to do what they can to survive.
Which is a pain in the arse, because that fuels political groups that are extreme-right.

The last thing we want in Europe is another group like that to get in power...

It's a vicious circle.
War brings refugees, refugees bring crime, crime brings radical political changes, radical political changes leads to a war or a revolution which eventually will result in refugees.
All factors that fuel racism..

Our jails are also overful. And the majority of the detainees are people of another nationality.

It's not that much different. Americans get taco's, we get kebab's. We both get 7-11's....

That wall along the border of mexico....
If you wonna know how stupid that idea really is, then take in account that Europe and north-Africa are seperated by a sea.
That sea doesn't stop immigrants. You think a wall will?

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Post by steve-o » Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:06 pm

Hoffman -

But do you see the same racial stratification in Belgium that exists in the States? One positive aspect about race relations in France seemed to be the integration on certain social levels, particularly among children and in between couples. Am I presumptions to assume that a similar situation exists in Belgium as well?

Also, I found that prejudice manifested much more along religious lines rather than racial ones, particularly with muslims and jews.

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Post by DeadlyKungFu » Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:16 pm

One of the funniest racial skits ever, Chevy Chase & Richard Pryor Word Association

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Post by hoffman2k » Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:20 pm

steve-o wrote:Hoffman -

But do you see the same racial stratification in Belgium that exists in the States? One positive aspect about race relations in France seemed to be the integration on certain social levels, particularly among children and in between couples. Am I presumptions to assume that a similar situation exists in Belgium as well?

Also, I found that prejudice manifested much more along religious lines rather than racial ones, particularly with muslims and jews.
Yeah. It's pretty much the same here.
Even in Germany, the Netherlands, Spain,.....
Efforts are being made to make integration go smoothly.

I have a bigger problem with the political party who thinks they got the "right" solution. Then i have with immigrants. I have many friends that have north-african origins.
You cant call them all bad, just because there are a few rotten apples.
Thats the problem though. Things are generalized too easily.

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