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Clip split and overlapping notes ?? - Some solution found

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:41 am
by Azure Feast
Hi there,
I need some help. :cry:

When Splitting a long clip in the arrange view, Live seems to ignore "overlapping notes". What I mean is any drone or chord that has been triggered before the split point does not appear in the newly generated clip. (AFAIK with all commands available).

In Logic, the program would ask you what to do with these notes (Split, Shorten, Ignore). (The behavior of Live is equivalent to "Ignore").

In Live there seems to be no way to split a note. (Not even in the (clip) midi editor...)...)

Is there really not other than to re-insert manually the missing note(s)?

How usefull this function is will obviously depend of one individual workflow, but in mine it is used VERY often... I hope that I missed something or that someone can come with a workaround.

Best regards,
Marc for Azure Feast.

Re: Clip split and overlapping notes ?? - Help needed

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:38 am
by Azure Feast
Another example of the problem. Split a clip in two pieces so that you have a note overlapping from the first one into the second one. Now move the second part before the first one.

The note appears to be there... but you cannot hear it. Only if you crop the clip it disappears...

I understand that it is a fundamental "problem" (or feature) with the way the arrange window interacts with clips.

Still it would be good to have a trick to copy part of a clip (like a split) into a new instance, distinct from the original one, and to have the option to handle the "overlapping notes" as desired.

If I can't find a work-around for this, I may have to stick to Logic for handling the outcome of my "impro sessions". I could use re-wire to take benefit of Live too. But frankly this defeats much of the benefits of a more "fun and easy" work flow.

Maybe I can better stick to Logic after all.

Re: Clip split and overlapping notes ?? - Help needed

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:51 pm
by rpc9943
why cant you just merge them and put the changes you want where you want them?


Do you mean consolidate?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:21 pm
by Azure Feast
I can't find a "Merge" command in Live. But maybe you mean "Consolidate"? That is indeed the function one is supposed to use to separate logically part of a clip from its "father". But unfortunately there is no option to include notes that are starting before the position selected as clip start.

Actually,Live is missing the midi notes manipulation tool from Logic like "Scissor" or "Glue". There seems to be no way to do something like that... except manually redrawing the notes... :cry:

Maybe a ray of hope... "Note chopping"

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:05 am
by Azure Feast
There seems to be some work around, at least for the practical application I am thinking of.

I have developed the following technique:

- One track contains the "played" notes.
- You create a second track (arp), triggered by the "played" track. This one contains an "arpeggiator" in chord mode with a sync rate of 1/1.

- The third track "target" uses as input the "played" and the "arp" track. Whenever a "played" note starts, it gets routed to the "target". If it crosses the bar boundary, the arp generates a one bar long note. On the "target" track the "played" note gets interrupted and replaced by the identical "arp" note. This happens again for each bar crossing. Whenever the played note stops, the current note in the "target" track stops, whatever its source was. (Indeed the "played" note off message interrupts the "arp" note).

So you end up with a track that is identical to the original one, except that no note is crossing the bar boundary anymore (Or whatever frequency you choose).

It won't work for every application, but it may be useful in some case.

Hope it helps,

Marc for Azure Feast. (Free mp3s)

Re: Clip split and overlapping notes ?? - Some solution found

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:39 pm
by EClayton
If the note you are cutting in two by splitting the clip is a midi note, you will have silence in the second part of your split clip. The midi note needs to be triggered in order to hear it, and you are omitting the trigger in the second clipby splitting the clip . the trigger is in the first clip of the split clip.

if you convert the midi note to audio, prior to splitting your clip, you will hear it in the second half of your split clip.

Re: Clip split and overlapping notes ?? - Some solution found

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:05 am
by Azure Feast
Yes, indeed I realize that Live was mainly developped to handle audio and in Audio the behavior is totally different.

As you correctly state, if the midi "note on" message is outside the clip after the spilt or consolidate, the note is not heard. It is a bit strange because after a split you can move clips around but you don't have WYSIWYG. (What You See IS What You Get). You can see notes but you don't hear them because they are not triggered.

At least when you consolidate, Live is omitting the notes for which the Note on message is outside of the clip. That makes sense.

But it would be much better to have the option, like in Logic, to either split, ignore or shorten the overlapping note...

Now, the most weird lack is that you don't have any tool to split ("scissor") or merge ("glue") individual notes. That should really be part of future releases...
