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Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:16 pm
by Aequitas123
I don't have a laptop and I don't use my computer for live shows. I love to have my computer on all the time so if I want to take a break i don't have to shut it down and then i dont have to wait a while for my computer, software, plugins and external hard drive to load.

However, i'm sure its not good for anything to leave it on.


Re: Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:20 pm
by SubFunk
i hardly ever switch mine off.

OSX loves to run and run and run... it might sound weird, but it is good for the system at least for OSX to leave it running forever...

Re: Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:21 pm
by myxomat0515
I pretty much always leave my Mac Pro on. I'm not sure if its bad either. I'll usually just put it to sleep overnight, and I always do a fresh restart before starting a session, but aside from that, I probably only turn it OFF once every week or two.

Re: Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:23 pm
by UKRuss
I turn everything off, every night. It's an enviro an fire risk thing.

Re: Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:25 pm
by Aequitas123
my problem is my External Hard drive. I save almost all of my music files to it and run them off it, so it needs to be on and running while i'm working. However, while a computer may be okay to keep on, im not sure its good for a HD. The downside is it takes a few minutes to load up after its been off.

Re: Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:28 pm
by SubFunk
myxomat0515 wrote:I pretty much always leave my Mac Pro on. I'm not sure if its bad either. I'll usually just put it to sleep overnight, and I always do a fresh restart before starting a session, but aside from that, I probably only turn it OFF once every week or two.
it's good!, don't switch OSX off!!! let it run run run.

and you don't even need to restart the system before starting serious work, just log out and back in again... done, resets everything on your system, it's not fucking windows, you know.

Re: Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:33 pm
by UKRuss
Why is it good to leave it on? Should I leave my macbook on?

Surely things last longer if you turn them off overnight?

I don't understand computers at all... :(

Re: Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:38 pm
by SubFunk
OSX just likes to run all the time, it does make it more stable, no joke. (don't ask me about a technical explanation... i don't know, but i can confirm that out of experience) apart from the fact that maintenance scripts are running over night, but those you can force manually as well.
without using crap like cocktail or onyx, etc. just leave OSX running and alone!, don't mess with it, and you are going to have a healthy and happy system.

the only thing if at all is doing this from time to time (that is if you switch your system off) and reparing permissions after installs:

Run the Mac OS X maintenance scripts

Problem: Mac OS X is a UNIX-based system, built specifically on FreeBSD. UNIX systems run scheduled maintenance routines to clean up a variety of System logs and temporary files. By default, these are executed between 03:15 and 05:30 local time, depending on the script. If your Mac is shut down or in sleep mode during these hours, the maintenance scripts will not run. This results in log files that will grow over time, consuming free space on your Mac OS X startup disk. If your Mac is shut down or left in sleep mode overnight, you should invoke these maintenance routines manually on a regular basis.

Solution: Manually running the maintenance scripts – Using an administrator-level account, you can execute all three maintenance scripts at once by issuing the following command in a Terminal or xterm (X11) window.

sudo periodic daily weekly monthly

All three scripts will run in sequence. There is no visual feedback while the scripts execute.

Determining when the maintenance scripts last ran – You can check the date and time stamps of the log files associated with each maintenance script, which indicates when the scripts were last executed. Use the command

ls -al /var/log/*.out

The maintenance performed by the scripts – Each maintenance script has a specific function.

The daily script removes old log files, “scratch” and “junk” files, backs-up the NetInfo database, reports a variety of system and network statistics, and rotates the system.log file. Under Tiger, the daily script also cleans up scratch fax files and prunes asl.log, the log for the new Apple System Logging facility.

The weekly script rebuilds the locate and whatis databases and rotates the following log files: ftp.log, lookupd.log, lpr.log, mail.log, netinfo.log, ipfw.log, ppp.log, and secure.log.

The monthly script reports per-user usage accounting and rotates the wtmp, install.log, and cu.modem.log files.

OS Version Compatibility: Tiger and Leopard.

Re: Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:49 pm
by porfiry
I sleep my macbook every night, unless I have a download running or something. I just ran the test you listed there, and it said that the scripts had just run right at the time I popped this thing open this morning, 9:02. The weekly one ran yesterday at 9-something, when I woke up.

I don't know if that's because I just sleep it instead of shutting it down or what, but there you go. Glad that's the case, because I don't like letting this little heatmaker run all night unless it's absolutely necessary.

Re: Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:52 pm
by the_antagonist
UKRuss wrote:I turn everything off, every night. It's an enviro an fire risk thing.

I agree!

Re: Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:56 pm
by Sales Dude McBoob
It's a carbon footprint thing. I shut my stuff down every time I finish. I have a 2004 G5 and a 2005 Powerbook that are still running like champs. I guess OSX likes to run run run, but mine seem to work perfectly even though I shut them off all the time.

Go Green. Quiet the machine.

Re: Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:07 pm
by dru
My MBP has practically been on since I bought it new in 2007. Very rarely turn it off (except when I upgraded a few bits) and hasn't skipped a beat.

Re: Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:17 pm
by longjohns
My fantasy is to install a windmill or two, which could run all the computers (maybe not the monitors??) and some LED lighting around the house..

Re: Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:25 pm
by Rogue Scrunt
always on
never sleep
intel imac 10.5.7

Re: Do you leave your computer on?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:29 pm
by djsynchro
If you think it's good for your operating system to let it run run run you obviously don't know much about computers.
Computers run on electricity, which is generated mainly from burning fossil fuels, which are destroying our planet.
When you're not using your computer you need to switch it OFF, not standby, OFF.