Is there a way I can constrain MIDI notes to one octave?
Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:27 am
Here's what I need. No matter what notes I play on the keyboard is there a way to make the output C3?
So in other word I'd like Simpler to only play one pitch regards of the incoming MIDI note.
Here's why... Im trying to use a Multi Sample Snare Drum in Drum Racks and Stack it with another Sample. I could achieve this by using an instrument rack and making 100 copies of the one sample and nesting along side the 100 samples that make up my Snare Drum but thats seems a bit much. Ideally I'd like to create 3 MIDI tracks one to play the patterns I've already created and route that to the other two MIDI channels that contain my Multi Sample Snare and the one other sample respectively. The problem Im having is the patterns vary in note value and the simpler containing the one other sample varies in pitch along with the pattern.
It would be super sweet to get my MIDI info to filter though an empty drum rack and have the Simpler outside the rack but thats not possible. The drum rack is doing exactly what I want. Any MIDI notes in are all transposed to C3. How can I utilize it for my purpose?
I almost got the MIDI Scale Plug to do it but it wont constrain to one octave. I set it's Base to C and drew a straight line across the bottom to of C notes. Now when I play any note it plays a C note but if I change octaves then so does the note. Sad!
So in other word I'd like Simpler to only play one pitch regards of the incoming MIDI note.
Here's why... Im trying to use a Multi Sample Snare Drum in Drum Racks and Stack it with another Sample. I could achieve this by using an instrument rack and making 100 copies of the one sample and nesting along side the 100 samples that make up my Snare Drum but thats seems a bit much. Ideally I'd like to create 3 MIDI tracks one to play the patterns I've already created and route that to the other two MIDI channels that contain my Multi Sample Snare and the one other sample respectively. The problem Im having is the patterns vary in note value and the simpler containing the one other sample varies in pitch along with the pattern.
It would be super sweet to get my MIDI info to filter though an empty drum rack and have the Simpler outside the rack but thats not possible. The drum rack is doing exactly what I want. Any MIDI notes in are all transposed to C3. How can I utilize it for my purpose?
I almost got the MIDI Scale Plug to do it but it wont constrain to one octave. I set it's Base to C and drew a straight line across the bottom to of C notes. Now when I play any note it plays a C note but if I change octaves then so does the note. Sad!