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Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:52 am
by 3phase
Ableton is vey busy fixing bugs as we can see with the 4 new .16 betas within 10 days...

Because this is an ongoing thing snce over a year we have to assume that they create new bugs while fixing old ones..


Opposite to what is stated in the quality statement that is offline now.. they are introducing new features.. see "the bridge"

features that might bring them more money be getting more users.. but..what has the majority of users that use the program for its initial purpose from that? who needs to control the program with vinyl timecode records?

And how much longer do we have to wait before they finally adress theire syncing weakness?

Do we really have to pay another 150 euros and go thru another bugfull betatesting period before we get this in L9? or L10

I opt for starting a sync rebellion.. and poll them down to the basic need for better syncing...

and everybody suffering from sync issues should start own sync threads up to the time the even acknowledge the problems.. officially there are none.. its like allways just perfect..only crashes from time to time...

But fact is:
we have a program now that is supposed to sync to stinking timecode records but cant properly react on midi timecode or even generate one.... reacts wobbely to 100% stable incoming clocks.. NI shows that this can work... it is possible.. just not for ableton..
And the times where live was a good clockmaster are over now aswell.. at least when you dare to use 3rd party plug ins...
What do the plugs have to do with the clock?
only ableton knows.. i think it just shows that the internal clocking has a much to low priority booth in abletons agenda and program structure..

Fixing the bugs first actually should mean to fix all bugs, not only crash bugs.. wobbely sync bugs are bugs too.
It cant be intended operation..therfore its a bug !
Bad working sync can be considred as a bug for a software that is supposed to be used by jamming musicans live on stage...

we got promissed that bugs gets fixed the integrate a serato bridge.. what is clearly a new feature..while the old bugs stay...

Re: Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:59 am
by Poster
3phase wrote:we got promissed that bugs gets fixed the integrate a serato bridge.. what is clearly a new feature..while the old bugs stay...
if you look at the current beta' changelog you see that they're working parallel on both Live and Live/Bridge..

Re: Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:48 pm
by 3phase
Poster wrote:
3phase wrote:we got promissed that bugs gets fixed the integrate a serato bridge.. what is clearly a new feature..while the old bugs stay...
if you look at the current beta' changelog you see that they're working parallel on both Live and Live/Bridge..
but they dont even acknowledge any sync issues... and the bloody syncing gets more and more in my way.. great that it dont crashes n stage anymore.. it just sounds shit because you loose the groove at any corner...

its unusable in booth cases.. so in the end of the day a bad sync/clocking szenario leads to the same result as a crash all over program..

you just cant use it on stage..

and in such a situation i ve no undersanding for new features like the bridge that are as attractiv and usefull as ass cancer...

they should leave the dj´stuff to native... everything else is a waste of time

Re: Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:10 pm
by pepezabala
yeeeees, syncing should please work again as it did with live 3 or 4 or five or whenever it was working superfine for me. so much fun to connect two or three lappies and jam together, and have the master pull the clock up and down and everything goes in sync. o yeah!

and a working native plug in that can sync live's clock to live instruments or to an unwarped audioclip, this would be hot. For the optimum computer-real-world-integration. sigh.

Re: Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 7:22 pm
by Machinesworking
Agreed. Sync issues were one of the main couple reasons I don't work entirely in Live. Looking at Live VS Digital Performer sync wise it's pretty crazy.
I have no idea why Live has issues, after a few back and forth emails with Ableton tech support I gave up. DP and Logic send beat clock sync quite well to the two synths I have that can lock to beat clock, Live simply does not.

Re: Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 7:42 pm
by somaaudio
yes inmediately!!

Re: Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:15 pm
by biologik
yep. syncing is down right terrible.
we're using one laptop with a merged double live pa since we can't sync properly.. sort of a pain in the ass. so many conflicts with gear being on the same CCs etc.. I don't know how they've gone this long without fixing this to be honest..

Re: Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:55 pm
by fisto
give us proper sync pleeeeeaaaaaase!!!!!

Re: Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:10 am
by Gimmick Mask
I'd love to see better midi sync. Unfortunately, even the best MIDI implementation will drift a bit.

What would be really great would be proper OSC clock support so we can get a near-perfect sync. But even a better MIDI implementation would be good.

Re: Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:41 am
by 3phase
clock sync worked fine in the 80´s.. i dont see why it has to drift now. with our mighty computers?

MAybe there are limits on windows machines thru the OS.. but on macs its defenetly possible.. as master it worked fine with ableton in the past.. as slave it works perfect with reaktor in stand alone.. that shows that its possible..

but i agree that a special syncmode for ableton live bands would be fine too... but i prefer standard midi clock and timecode implemetation at state of the art level first..

the general layout of live actually suggest that the program could be the best in this diziplin..

you can run different midiinterfaces with different sync modes and offsets.. thats state of the art allready..
but it needs stability.. times with crash risk it would be great if live could work as a clock slave.. with a drummachine as master a crash is not such a big thing anymore.. you can cover the reload times easily with one drummachine alone.. thats much better than silence for a minute... that defenetly clears the floor..

i am pretty sure that ableton has the sync stuff allready in theier agenda. but again wrong prioritys.. first mfl..first the brideg first its gets shifted to the end of the list again and again...

they probably think that better syncing is no big sales argument.. i think they are wrong...

i personally see in perfect sync a bigger sales argument than in any gimmick..

i think we users that want better sync have to create a little force to make them getting to the problem instead brushing it under the carpet all the time...

Re: Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:58 am
by Machinesworking
Personally not that interested in OSC, not syncing two laptops, but syncing two hardware synths arpeggiator and LFO to Live.
So I need Beat Clock Sync to work, in Digital Performer it works fine, not in Live.

Re: Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:28 pm
by 3phase
22 need sync? thats all?

Re: Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:11 pm
by broc
Obviously there isn't much demand.

And if you really need perfect sync you could use something like this ... -Lock.html

Re: Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:33 pm
by naph
yes, please, at least before L9

Re: Fix the sync issues now !! yes or no ?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:53 pm
by #1thelark
3phase wrote:clock sync worked fine in the 80´s.. i dont see why it has to drift now. with our mighty computers?

The computers may be mighty, but they developed far away from realtime and singletasking. Everything is multitasking now, no one computer is only doing "his thing" anymore, like the Atari, back in the days.

I guess that's why it isn't that easy to deliver audio in realtime anymore... with all that different parts that need to be in sync, then there's speedstep here, powersaving there, antivirus, firewire bus, USB, ...