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90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:51 pm
by john gordon

Re: 90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:18 pm
by Machinesworking
Whinehouse is topical, she was a musician.
Not many spree killers are musicians.

Re: 90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:33 pm
by Jarvisimon
It would appear that a lot of people cared about Amy Winehouse.

You call her a crackhead without any first hand knowledge of her lifestyle or how she chose to entertain herself.

Who's going to care when you die?

Re: 90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:05 pm
by john gordon
everybody knew,which rock have you been sleeping under?

Re: 90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:52 pm
by LoopStationZebra
I for one would miss John if he died. :x

Re: 90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:37 pm
by stringtapper
Machinesworking wrote:Not many spree killers are musicians.
This is why we need what I've prescribed as "Violent Jazz." Thie kind of stuff that just takes motherfuckers out. In a very lyrical way mind you. Music that does mortal harm, even as it does spiritual good. That kinda thing.

Re: 90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:57 pm
by stringtapper
And just so people don't think I'm insensitive.

I don't know what kind of firearm this guy used but let's assume it was an assault rifle.

If you shoot 80 adult men who are shooting back at you then you are definitely a motherfucker.

If shoot 80 teenagers who are running away then you are are definitely a little bitch.

Re: 90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:09 am
by Machinesworking
stringtapper wrote: If you shoot 80 adult men who are shooting back at you then you are definitely a motherfucker.
Finland for the win. Simo Häyhä, probably a record never to be beaten.

[edit] freaking german run board doesn't like umlauts???

Re: 90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:14 am
by stringtapper
Machinesworking wrote:
stringtapper wrote: If you shoot 80 adult men who are shooting back at you then you are definitely a motherfucker.
Finland for the win. Simo Häyhä, probably a record never to be beaten.äyhä
Ha! Awesome. Your link is fucked up btw.

Edit: Ah those damn ümlauts.

Re: 90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:47 am
by Machinesworking
Damn? Don't fuck with Finland, but look at this list of WWII snipers, the Soviets more than made up for a poor showing against Finland with a major crushing of Germany.
13 Soviet women and one Czech on the list. :twisted:

Re: 90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:52 am
by stringtapper
So what we've learned is that it's no wonder a Norwegian is such a good shot and that the US should have taken over many more territories in the aftermath of WW2.


Re: 90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:16 am
by Machinesworking
stringtapper wrote:So what we've learned is that it's no wonder a Norwegian is such a good shot and that the US should have taken over many more territories in the aftermath of WW2.

? The USA is not even on the list for WWII, it's all Germany and the USSR. I was thinking more on the lines of it being a bad idea to cheat on the women of the former Soviet block! :twisted:

Re: 90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:07 am
by LoopStationZebra
A Labour Party Youth Camp?

Did I read that correctly?

I mean, wtf?


Re: 90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:55 pm
by sporkles
@LSZ: You read that correctly.

The terrorist was apprehended quickly when the police finally arrived, and I've known since the minute they caught him that he wasn't going to be shy about his motives (I mean, if they allow themselves to be caught alive, they must have a story to tell - it comes with the Messiah complex). And boy was I right. Earlier on the same day, he uploaded a 1500 page "manifesto" (which, according to the latest news, appears to be largely plagiarising the Unabomber's similar document) to the net, describing in detail how he'd been preparing for years, and what his motives are, etc. (I'm not going to repeat any of that rubbish here). Even though I was almost stunned, the thought also struck me early on that his choice of targets seemed off, in a way. Surely, with the kind of preparation he'd been doing, he would know that none of our ministers would be in the government building at the time the bomb went off, and to proceed to indiscriminately slaughter youths? - Could the bomb seriously have been a diversion? - According to a passage in his 1500 p document, that's exactly what it was.

It's been some truly gut wrenching days, and for the first time, it's like I can understand how the U.S. population, and New Yorkers in particular, must have felt after 9/11. I find it hard to come to gripes with the whole thing, even though I'm not personally affected. Our PM says, and the official consensus is, that we will not allow even such a disaster to change our way of life, but nothing will ever be quite the same again.

Re: 90 kids shot dead and you're worried about this crackhead

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:17 pm
by Hoffoman
@ John Gordon

You Suck! Has that latest bit of kit you bought unlocked the talent that has eluded you so far. Amy is a legend that brought pleasure to millions of people. I would say more, but Ableton Dave would jump in, no doubt.