Pitch bend MIDI effect: remaps pitch bend

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Pitch bend MIDI effect: remaps pitch bend

Post by mooncaine » Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:54 am


A MIDI effect called Pitch Re-Bend*. It's like the Scale plugin, but for pitch bend, and it's simpler to use.

It has 2 functions:

1. It overrides incoming pitch bend as if your instruments were all set with a different pitch bend range. If you have an instrument rack with 10 botillion synths in it, and they're all set to pitch bend range 2, this effect overrides their setting. So, you set the Pitch Re-Bend effect to 12, and all the instruments that come after it act like their pitch bend range is set at 12. Saves you the trouble of changing pitch bend range for all 10 botillion of your instruments.

2. Converts incoming pitch bend to any other kind of MIDI data, like notes or Control Change. Example: you move the pitch wheel, and this effect spits out MIDI notes between the two values you chose, like C1 to E2. Or: move the pitch wheel, and the effect spits out CC 104 messages between the two values you chose, like 08 to 122.

*I don't care what you call it, but it sure would be cool. Call it Pitch Magnet, or Pitch Smack, or Some Pitch.

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