Dumb question about synthesizers...

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Dumb question about synthesizers...

Post by Domokun » Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:34 pm

Excuse me if this is the dumbest question this boards ever seen but I need to clarify...is a synthesizer just your midi keyboard or drum pad or something along those lines? Or is it something else?

The word constantly keeps coming up in my training but cannot nail down exactly what it's referring to.

As always, thanks so much in advance for any and all help =)

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Re: Dumb question about synthesizers...

Post by necho » Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:38 pm

EDIT: oh - you're a troll.
sigs suck.

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Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:22 pm

Re: Dumb question about synthesizers...

Post by dsu » Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:30 pm

I don't know about trolls but assuming your question is genuine it might be easier to think of synthesizers not as a single thing but an idea that describes certain types of instruments.

If there was a common denominator it would be instruments that provide methods to manupulate electical signals that produce sound waves when sent to a speaker. There are so many ways to manipulate electricity. The two major approaches today would be analog and digital but there is no reason why you can't have both approaches in a single instrument.

Another feature is the performance interface to the instrument. Today is is mostly a keyboard (with some extra sliders or a joy stick) but there are lots of alternatives like drum pads, breath controllers, ribbon controllers, various string instrument controllers and more exotic devices like the kinect. Almost everything we have today as an interface was done decades ago in a more primitive form using transisters and tubes.

A roomfull of Euroracks is a sysnthesizer. So is a laptop running Ableton APC-40 with bunch of clips. The question I would ask not is this a synthesizer but rather is what kind of sythesizer is this?


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