ALL dedicated, red box controllers have MAJOR lag/ latency?!

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ALL dedicated, red box controllers have MAJOR lag/ latency?!

Post by kinnik » Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:59 pm

I'm interested in using the apc40, launchpad type 'red box' to juggle clips. I've made a custom Novation Twitch remote script to give it a red box.

Problem is this. If you use the 'red box' to trigger clips, WITHOUT QUANTIZE (or with 1/8 - 1/16) there is a very large delay between when you press and when it triggers. It's basically impossible to keep good timing. But if I map the buttons directly to clips (via user mapping mode) then juggling without or with little quantize becomes easy!

Therefore, the problem is not with sound card latency or with quantize or with the controller itself. It's a problem with how Ableton Live interfaces with dedicated controllers.

There was a thread, started TWO YEARS ago, where someone posted a video of this problem.

In that thread it shows that users of both the Launchpad and the apc have the same issue. After experimenting with my home made Twitch remote script, I'm convinced this is a problem for every controller with a red box.

Does anyone have any info or ideas about this?
If you have noticed similar problems, please post!
