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Digital glitch, buzz problem

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:16 pm
by Swan
AMD Athlon X2 240 Dual core 2.8ghz
4gb ram
Win & 64 Pro SP1

Spent the entire week end hunting down the mysterious audio glitch reported earlier. After several solutions from tech sites on the web failed, (Updated all drivers and bios among a plethora of suggestions) I finally reinstalled The OS last night. Spent this morning using my CD player, Audacity, Stand alone VSTs and Reason, some simultaneously without a glitch. With sweaty trepidation I launched my beta project and in the 8th bar the dreaded glitch buzz from hell returned. This glitch started when I began testing the beta. It instantly infected the 32 bit version I was using. Both are JAFU. My guess is the problem is related only to Live or Live's interaction with my machine. If no other Win 7 64 users are experiencing this problem I will have to condemn my machine or would XP 64 be a possible solution? :( Mads, what information do you need to further explore this issue.

Thanks, Steven

Re: Digital glitch, buzz problem

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:19 pm
by [mal]
Hi Steven,

Lets investigate, but I would not recommend a XP 64!!.

- Does the glitch always happen around 8th bar of the project?. If yes, then we can investigate the project (use the get support option in 'get help' and send in the status report along with the project to
- Did you disable : Bluetooth, LAN and WLAN?, these 3 device types are known to clash with some audio drivers
- Did you disable ACPI battery compliant method in device manager (power management), same reason as above.
- Which audio device are you using. If you are using the onboard soundcard, did you install ASIO4ALL?. Please download the latency checker here: if you see a red spike when the glitch happens, there is a conflict on your system.

I would also like to hear if other users are experiencing glitches since the 8.4, and if the 8.3.3 is running without problems.


Re: Digital glitch, buzz problem

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:21 pm
by Swan
Sorry about the long pause in reply.

Does the glitch always happen around 8th bar of the project?. RANDOM
Did you disable : Bluetooth, LAN and WLAN?, these 3 device types are known to clash with some audio drivers. YES
Did you disable ACPI battery compliant method in device manager (power management). FULL BORE
Which audio device are you using. ONBOARD WITH ASIO4ALL (latest)

I finally tracked it down to a BAD WINDOWS UPDATE :evil: but couldn't remove all of the bits so I formatted the HD and re-installed 7 64 Pro.
This solved it because a clean install failed to do the job. Spent the last 3 days configuring plugins. Windows is a harsh mistress.

Please excuse this report. It was Windows all along.

Thanks Mads

Re: Digital glitch, buzz problem

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:05 am
by [mal]
Hi Swan,

Glad you got it sorted and found the error. Windows can be hard to set up, but find it quite solid once it runs. I hope there are no more bumps in the road for you using the 8.4, please do report here in the forum if there are. I will lock this thread since the error is resolved.
