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Community Guidelines

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:24 pm
by Ableton_David
Dear all,

Our goal is to have this forum be a hub for interesting and valuable conversation. To this end, we ask you all to please respect other users on the forum, and follow these simple guidelines:

Respect Each Other

Please keep disagreements and debates respectful and constructive. Consider that not all users are at the same knowledge level.

Please don’t post sexually explicit, violent, or otherwise obscene material.

If you wouldn’t say it in person around people you don't necessarily know, then don’t post it to the Ableton forum.

Respect Conversations

When entering a thread, please pay attention to what the conversation is about, and stick to the topic at hand. Feel free to start a discussion for a new topic if you can’t find it after searching through previous posts:

Keep your cool

Please avoid trolling, spamming, flaming, and bullying. If you’ve said your piece, don’t keep posting it in the hope of reaching a new audience.

Keep it legal

Every forum member is responsible for his/her own postings in terms of illegal or copyrighted content, according to German law. Please don’t post warez/cracks, or share music that you don’t have the rights to distribute.

In Other Words

Be nice to each other, criticize constructively, and keep this forum a spirited place for discussion and debate.

-The Ableton Team