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Push Keyboard scale?

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:26 pm
by JannisPablo
In Push we have so many scales...
i wonder why there is no normal or traditional Keyboard scale with black and white keys...
any way to make such a scale? one row white keys, the next row black keys... and so on, till all 64 Pads are used ?

Re: Push Keyboard scale?

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:36 pm
by ezelkow1
change the scale mode to chromatic/not in-key, you get all the black and white keys available. Its an option on the right side of the push screen to turn off the in-key mode when your looking at the scales selections

Re: Push Keyboard scale?

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:19 am
by jestermgee
It is also a great way to see what keys are in a scale as it will light up keys "in scale" but allow you to play any key. I found this to be very interesting in helping me understand scales a bit better.

Re: Push Keyboard scale?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:18 pm
by uberdavis
I was impressed to see the diatonic modes on the Push.
Having learnt about these as a kid, I have always been surprised at how few musicians know what they are and what they mean!

Mixolydian is great for blues as the root chord's seventh chord is a dominant 7th.
Locrian is great for sinister stuff, as the root chord is diminished: the devil's chord!
Dorian and Lydian are good for kind of odd, folky droney atmosphere

If anyone needs more explanation on the diatonic modes, what they are and how to use them, message me and I'll write a full blog post!

Re: Push Keyboard scale?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:40 pm
by Airyck
Cool man, let us know when you write the full blog, it would be an interesting read. I'm good at just figuring it out but I think it would be cool to get more solid info from the music theory side of things. I usually just experiment with a scale and kind of get a feel for the kind of sounds it leans toward.

Actually the main thing I use Push for is the keyboard mode. I've even taken to using PXT General and just using the keyboard part in Cubase as well (my original program I've been using for years and know well). So more info about it is always welcome.

Re: Push Keyboard scale?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:13 pm
by Tarekith
Now if we could just get Live projects to remember which scale we were using last time we worked on the project. I created a ton of projects when I first got my Push, most using the odd microtonal or ethnic scales. Didn't realize this was forgotten when you closed the project, and I have no idea know which key some of the melodies and chords I made are in. Not a huge deal in standard western scales, but trying to figure out ethnic scales by ear... forget it. :(

Re: Push Keyboard scale?

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:01 am
by jestermgee
Tarekith wrote:Now if we could just get Live projects to remember which scale we were using last time we worked on the project. I created a ton of projects when I first got my Push, most using the odd microtonal or ethnic scales. Didn't realize this was forgotten when you closed the project, and I have no idea know which key some of the melodies and chords I made are in. Not a huge deal in standard western scales, but trying to figure out ethnic scales by ear... forget it. :(

I realized this when I created a really awesome melody on-the-fly just mucking round and then went back the next day to start adding more ideas and thought "which bloody scale was I on...".

I just had to change scales till I saw all notes lighting up all scale keys but if it was remembered with a set that would be very handy.

Re: Push Keyboard scale?

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:20 am
by nightscope
ClyphX has an action to store the current scale in a clip.


"This Action is only accessible to X-Clips and should not be
combined with other Actions. This will capture the current
Scale settings from Note Mode and store them in the X-Clip.
Once settings have been stored, you can then add other Actions
if you like or copy the stored settings and paste them into the
Action List of other X-Trigger types."

Re: Push Keyboard scale?

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:17 pm
by Airyck
Tarekith wrote:Now if we could just get Live projects to remember which scale we were using last time we worked on the project. I created a ton of projects when I first got my Push, most using the odd microtonal or ethnic scales. Didn't realize this was forgotten when you closed the project, and I have no idea know which key some of the melodies and chords I made are in. Not a huge deal in standard western scales, but trying to figure out ethnic scales by ear... forget it. :(
The funny thing is that with PXT general (and maybe PXT live) it remembers all of your settings you had it set to previously (Ableton should do this as well :/ ), though it only remembers the last thing you did, not one for each song you were working on. So when I start PXT general and Push it picks up right where I left off. Same key and scale, plus it remembers any chords I've saved to the resolution buttons (PXT general thing)even if I power everything down.

If the Native Kontrol guys can do it Ableton should be able to as well, but they should be able to do it so that it saves with each song I would think. Maybe a feature request?

The other simple fix would be to save the scale and key name in the Project name :shrug: