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Batch Import for nki's into .alp or Projcts

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:57 pm
by SamuelHo

To implement the all the sample stuff which is around better in ableton there is a dire need of a batch import which brings this all together. For me this is one of the last steps, where you could massively improve the database with third party samples.

Suggestion is the following: With the batch import you can import nki's with the requiring sample into a specific .alp or if not possible or not whited in a Project. Most good third party samples packs today have nki's on board.

With this you could just handle the nki's with ableton sampler, and all together in a comfortable way in the ableton database integrated, which is then in my option quite more strong than Kontakt alone. Cause the import feature there is also quite bad and they don't have such a good sequencer as you have. So could also be a unique selling proposition which could give you market shares.

So please give this a try and think about it.

Kind Regards


Re: Batch Import for nki's into .alp or Projcts

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:32 am
by pix
hear hear!