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Beat Repeat "Type"/"Repeat needs attack knob/continuous rang

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 1:52 pm
by NoSonic822
Really annoying if your automating the "Type"/"Repeat" setting on beat's on or off not continuous, so it makes constant clicks .....this needs to be should be a sine wave gate not a square wave.....if that even is doable

like beat repeat is a great sonic tool...and it's fun but if you really want to use it on a studio made sounds like shite once you lock in the automations....i'm talking complex movements with the beat repeat macroed and everything...

like interplays between gate type, gate length and the "repeat button"

if you are macroing the repeat button, it's moved by a knob, but the on/off is binary so it causes problems and glitchy sounds, which become very noticable if you aare using big delays...

theres no problem if you are making everything exclusive over you turn it on/off, then a bar later you change the gate theres no issues...but if you are changing both of these simultanesouly over time, whilst also changing the gate are going to get these annoying clicks pop noises in the automations

Re: Beat Repeat "Type"/"Repeat needs attack knob/continuous rang

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:23 am
by NoSonic822
bump, added more specific detail to original post.

Re: Beat Repeat "Type"/"Repeat needs attack knob/continuous rang

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:43 am
by yur2die4
I think you're essentially wanting a hybrid between a 'send mode' and a 'channel strip mode'. Yes, there are buttons for choosing which arrangement to use, but they are more like switches. To have the effect you are referring to, you'd probably have to run it parallel to an empty chain and macro volume levels on that chain. While parallel, the repeat would run mostly as just wet. If it requires even more complexity (like a non-linear volume change), then you might require a max patch that could allow specific levels of a parameter across a knob range.

Actually, I forgot about the automatic attenuatin that beat repeat has... In order to apply that you might need a secondary beat repeat on the second Chain with its volume set to zero.

Or, forget all that. It sounds like you've found some pretty legit limitations.

Re: Beat Repeat "Type"/"Repeat needs attack knob/continuous rang

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:54 am
by NoSonic822
Beat repeat offers a unique's different than cranking the autopan.....or using an lfo on the sampler.....i'm talking using raw audio clips in arrangmentent view....and popping the beat repeat onto it....pre fx....when you use it like this.....use the gate type as an "LFO" quick on offs between Mix vs creates this awesome sonic effect that you cant get with out it...but once you start making 16th on offs it starts to get you add in that extra variation with having the repeat buttong turn on off creates these multiple layers of delayed output that are amazing.....just would be more useful if it had an attack to it.

Re: Beat Repeat "Type"/"Repeat needs attack knob/continuous rang

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:51 am
by NoSonic822
all this being said...beat repeat is best used with percussion.....for the very reasons i pointing out can really on ly use effectively with percussion due to the more rigid percussive enveleopes

i wouold still like to have a hybrid version of beat repeat but for more melodic uses....with better smoothing of the envlopes that it is manipulating.

Re: Beat Repeat "Type"/"Repeat needs attack knob/continuous rang

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:38 pm
by yur2die4
I just got a weird unrelated idea.

I've used this with the Arpeggiator before

I can quickly steal a moment and have it loop, or play the slices in different orders.

However, the clear samples button thing has always been burdensome to me. (Along with inconsistent levels)

Just now I wondered what it would be like if I included the clear samples in the arpeggio. I do not know if it would behave unpredictably.

Re: Beat Repeat "Type"/"Repeat needs attack knob/continuous rang

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 3:38 am
by Emergency Oxygen
Same problem here with Live 10. Agree with NoSonic, there should be a way to avoid having this clipping. :(
Even though Beat repeat is intended for drums it is pretty cool to use on synths too.
For now I removed the clicks through EQ, ugly fix.