Top 5 apps for Ipad tailored for Ableton Link?

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Top 5 apps for Ipad tailored for Ableton Link?

Post by EasyWorkflow » Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:46 am

Hello....I finally have my used ebay 12.9 inch Ipad up and running.
I want to download 5 apps that I already know everyone loves and uses and works great with Ableton Link.

Love to hear your recommendations.

Thanks everyone.

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Re: Top 5 apps for Ipad tailored for Ableton Link?

Post by yur2die4 » Sun Jan 15, 2017 7:06 am

I like Link quite a bit. I'll try to give a free and a paid list. I'm not Positive that all the free ones I list are still free. Some apps are just better than others. I don't know if I'll rate their value or not. Here goes:

1. Figure (propellerheads jamming app. Fun, not excessively versatile but very fun and others can easily pick it up along with you)
2. TweakyBeat - this is not that great but it is free and funky
3. Launchpad - if you have a Launchpad or LaunchControl XL this automatically works with them. In order to import your own material or do certain other things they want you to pay for in app purchases.
--also check out Remixlive which is the same but different. And free.
4. Auxy Studio - has a nice solid sound. Kind of limited but in a good way. It is mostly like a mini Ableton live (note and beat sequencing). Since it's free, having sequencing is pretty cool. Unfortunately it does not have BACKGROUND AUDIO which pisses me off because it means I can't have it run in the background. There is also Auxy Classic which does not have Link but is just as fun and let's you export midi
5. Link to MIDI and/or MIDI Link Sync. These are for syncing midi clock with Link. You could for instance have a drum machine or sequencing keyboard connected to your iPad and then the iPad will wirelessly 'sync' that hardware to Link, when otherwise that hardware would have no possibility of doing so except connecting to Live itself.

Paid ...this is a tough one because there are a lot that I love.
1. Gadget. It has Link, it has nice instruments and is fun to arrange on. I do wish playing different parts back was more flexible. They continue to develop it and are even coming out with one on Mac OS. This means your Gadget projects can easily be transferred. They actually already can be transferred to an Ableton set.

More on Gadget: Korg has been making it so that you can embed or open some of their individual synth apps inside gadget. This is really awesome for things like iM1, iWavestation, etc. so even though those synths do not have Link standalone, when the limited version of that instrument is opened inside Gadget it can be arranged and has Link. Also, make sure you wait until Korg stuff is on sale

2. ModStep - ModStep is similar to Gadget except that it does not come 'with' an assortment of instruments. Instead it uses iOS's different mechanics to host/control instruments in an extremely flexible way. It can host au apps, connect with interapp audio apps, can have fx chains, is easily midi assignable.

Making clips in modstep, you can record them but you have to set the length in advance if you don't want to use the default length decided in the settings.

3. I'm a big fan of the MoDrum/BassLine bundle. These are super minimal, simple, limited devices but they are my favorite ones to open first. MoDrum just plays simple synthesized drums in step patterns. BassLine is pretty much a 303 type interface. Honorable mentioned for drums: DM2, iElectribe (the iPhone one because it can be opened on iPhone 'or' iPad), ElasticDrums, Patterning (really nice! And fun!). Honorable mention for 303 bassline: Troublemaker (just released this week).

4. Lorentz/Mersenne. I only really use these synths for their arpeggiation when I use them with Link. Pretty basic synths that sound decent. There are another of other synths with Link. Magellan comes to mind, a FREE one is Synthmaster Player which sounds really good and has in app purchases for more presets. And DRC is okay for arpeggiated sync via Link also.

5. A few oddities to mention which might be stimulating. . .
- Fugue Machine. Does layers of a melody that you put in at different speed or root pitches etc. look up vids. It sounds neat
- Audiobus. This one is very helpful for combining and synchronizing apps and effects. It also gives you a handy side-control for some basic controls of other apps while you are looking at an app. They took that a step further with an 'Audiobus Remote' app which I'd only get if you find yourself using Audiobus a lot lot
-there are quite a bit of beat and/or loop type players. GlitchBreaks has Link but isn't 'that' inspiring, DrumJam has a lot of clean sounding ethnic loops that are fun and easy to manipulate and contort. You can look DrumJam up on YouTube

If you happen to like MPC-type stuff, iMPC Pro has Link. I didn't like it that much. iMaschine has Link and works nicely but I also don't find it 'super' inspiring or unique to work worth.
There are a few dj apps popping up that support Link if you're into that. This would require that you have some music on your device of course. The nice thing is that Link means you can play back songs on the dj apps and easily 'embellish' them by adding beats or synths from the other apps ! Cross DJ and DJDJ both support Link. I kind of like DJDJ, and it can be opened on both iPad and iPhone.

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Re: Top 5 apps for Ipad tailored for Ableton Link?

Post by Tarekith » Sun Jan 15, 2017 8:08 am

Gadget, Auxy, TriqTraq, BlocsWave.

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Re: Top 5 apps for Ipad tailored for Ableton Link?

Post by yur2die4 » Sun Jan 15, 2017 8:23 am

Yeah. I forgot to add blocswave to the oddities - samples/loops part. And Loopy is a classic, although I haven't actually put it to the Link test, only the loop test, which it does as would be expected.

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Re: Top 5 apps for Ipad tailored for Ableton Link?

Post by EasyWorkflow » Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:29 pm

thanks friends. I am a tad surprised no one listed the Moog app in top 5. I have a Moog synth so I happen to love the Moog sound. I know Korg is known for it's apps. The other apps I never heard of but am checking them out now.

Thanks for your feedback

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Re: Top 5 apps for Ipad tailored for Ableton Link?

Post by Tarekith » Sun Jan 15, 2017 7:16 pm

The Moog 15 is a great app, I love it. I didn't think it had Link though, could be wrong.

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Re: Top 5 apps for Ipad tailored for Ableton Link?

Post by yur2die4 » Sun Jan 15, 2017 7:26 pm

There are a lot of non-Link apps to consider also.

Just be careful. It is easy to break the bank!

You could end up with some apps you use more or less than others.

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