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Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10? Cheaper!!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 10:40 am
by strangedaysuk
I have seen an upgrade to Live 9 in a store in the UK that is cheaper than upgrading through Ableton themselves (crazy eh?). I have Ableton live 9 Suite already. However the offer also mentions that you get a free upgrade to 10 Suite.

Because I also have a voucher to spend in the store its going to work out a lot cheaper to get the software through them.

My question though is then I asked the store they told me this upgrade may not allow me to go from 9 to 9 with a free upgrade to 10. Its for older versions of Live. Hope this is not the case cos it seems like a real kick in the face to pay more for being a more up to date user.

This surprised me he then told me the upgrade from 9 to 10 is going to be £350.

Very confused - anyone know what the deal is here?

Re: Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 11:04 am
by chrk
strangedaysuk wrote: I asked the store they told me this upgrade may not allow me to go from 9 to 9 with a free upgrade to 10.
You're buying a second license. That, when bought before Feb. 9, should be eligible for the free upgrade to Live 10.

Any packs you may have bought from Ableton will still be tied to your current Suite license. You would want to transfer them to the new one after the upgrade to Live 10. After that you might sell the old license without loosing anything.

Re: Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10? Cheaper!!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 2:16 pm
by strangedaysuk
I don't think its a second license - its an upgrade from previous versions of Live 9 suite to Live 9 Suite with a free upgrade to 10 suite upon release.

For me I save a lot of money with my voucher so its a very tempting prospect as I will save over £70 doing it this way. I am liaising with the store on this. If I get stuck I guess Ableton support might be able to help provided they are not too annoyed at me buying the license from a third party (but I can assure you its all legit from a major uk music retailer.)

Re: Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10? Cheaper!!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 2:22 pm
by strangedaysuk
By the way I have seen several retailers in the UK selling this upgrade for £175 - £15 cheaper than upgrading through Ableton directly so has anyone else done this? Its probably handy to know as we could all save a bit!

Re: Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10? Cheaper!!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 2:26 pm
by strangedaysuk
Its crazy its cheaper to upgrade to 10 from live 8 than from live 9? WTF? ... from-suite

Re: Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10? Cheaper!!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:16 pm
by mikb
strangedaysuk wrote:I don't think its a second license - its an upgrade from previous versions of Live 9 suite to Live 9 Suite with a free upgrade to 10 suite upon release.
I don't understand how you think it would be meaningful to upgrade from a previous version of Live 9 Suite to a Live 9 Suite? That's the exact same product. It could of course be an upgrade for Live 9 Standard or Live Intro or Live Lite. Obviously it's a new second license anyway, unless some unknown special rules apply for retailers. If so, you'd have found an upgrade loop hole. At any rate, you better make sure the shop in question are in good standing with Ableton. False copies gave been sold before from online shops.

Re: Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10? Cheaper!!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:44 pm
by strangedaysuk
mikb wrote:
strangedaysuk wrote:I don't think its a second license - its an upgrade from previous versions of Live 9 suite to Live 9 Suite with a free upgrade to 10 suite upon release.
I don't understand how you think it would be meaningful to upgrade from a previous version of Live 9 Suite to a Live 9 Suite? That's the exact same product. It could of course be an upgrade for Live 9 Standard or Live Intro or Live Lite. Obviously it's a new second license anyway, unless some unknown special rules apply for retailers. If so, you'd have found an upgrade loop hole. At any rate, you better make sure the shop in question are in good standing with Ableton. False copies gave been sold before from online shops.

Its not hard to work out this one - Ableton 9 to 10 upgrade is £189 in the UK through the Ableton website.

In the retailers (note its not just one I can find many) you can but an upgrade from a previous version of Ableton to Ableton live 9 SUITE WITH A FREE UPGRADE TO 10 SUITE for £175.

THUS YOU SAVE because you are in effect getting version 10 suite for £175.

If this is dodgy then all the retailers of dodgy in the UK cause a lot of them are selling it.

Is it a loophole - well not necessarily. I'm just surprised nobody else has noticed.

Whats great is now all existing users of 9 have been done IF THIS DOESNT WORK because if you stuck with 8 you'd have got a better deal.

Re: Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10? Cheaper!!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:23 pm
by chrk
strangedaysuk wrote:I don't think its a second license - its an upgrade from previous versions of Live 9 suite to Live 9 Suite with a free upgrade to 10 suite upon release.
Right, got it. It's an upgrade from an earlier version [definitely NOT L9 to L9].

So it's not a path you can go.
I am liaising with the store on this. If I get stuck I guess Ableton support might be able to help provided they are not too annoyed at me buying the license from a third party (but I can assure you its all legit from a major uk music retailer.)
They won't be annoyed at you buying from a retailer, after all they're using that distribution channel. And retailers' prices are at their own descretion.

But they will be annoyed that you're trying to sneak in an upgrade from a version you don't have a license to.

Look at the shop's option for the L9- to L10-upgrade, that should be at the reduced rate right now, and use your voucher on that.

Re: Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10? Cheaper!!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:53 pm
by strangedaysuk
chrk wrote:
strangedaysuk wrote:I don't think its a second license - its an upgrade from previous versions of Live 9 suite to Live 9 Suite with a free upgrade to 10 suite upon release.
Right, got it. It's an upgrade from an earlier version [definitely NOT L9 to L9].

So it's not a path you can go.
I am liaising with the store on this. If I get stuck I guess Ableton support might be able to help provided they are not too annoyed at me buying the license from a third party (but I can assure you its all legit from a major uk music retailer.)
They won't be annoyed at you buying from a retailer, after all they're using that distribution channel. And retailers' prices are at their own descretion.

But they will be annoyed that you're trying to sneak in an upgrade from a version you don't have a license to.

Look at the shop's option for the L9- to L10-upgrade, that should be at the reduced rate right now, and use your voucher on that.

Yea so it works out cheaper to upgrade from an earlier version. Nice!!!

Re: Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10? Cheaper!!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 5:14 pm
by kitekrazy
They should do away with the Suite and make them add ons. The orchestra sounds are never upgraded and I do believe they are the old Sonnivox libraries. Max4Live was not a wow factor for me since it is an app you have to spend more time to learn.

I have too many DAWs and this one will be the most expensive upgrade I would pay for a DAW. I'll wait till the Suite upgrade is under $200. For what the current upgrade is I bought Samplitude Pro bundle and Reason 10 upgrade for less than this current upgrade. Cubase had crossgrade for $255. Studio One has a crossgrade far less this. Bitwig could have been had for $299. To me though that it apples and oranges with the DAWs listed. I just think Ableton is relying more on the fan boys to pay this upgrade than those who use other DAWs. After the demise of Sonar developers have gotten more competitive in pricing. Unless you are only using Live the value is not there in the Suite upgrade.

Re: Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10? Cheaper!!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 5:38 pm
by chrk
strangedaysuk wrote:Yea so it works out cheaper to upgrade from an earlier version. Nice!!!
Look at it this way: Live 8 has been released in 2009, Live 9 in 2013. Those who haven't upgraded since, may just as well be lost customers. The even lower discount prices might lure them back.

If you're not ok with the discoun't you're offered now, just wait till Live 11.

Re: Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10? Cheaper!!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 5:52 pm
by strangedaysuk
I guess it's a frustrating update because the new features are very much wanted. I bought live and learnt it very fast but at the time I wasn't so aware of things that could have been improved like the new soon shortcuts and full track colours. Oh and midi note chase.They are silly small things that are more dot update features that you really benefit from but not something that's easy to justify shelling out £200 quid on.

On one hand a nice update on another a frustrating one. The store is going to look into it for me on Monday with Ableton and get back to me. Watch this space!

Re: Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10? Cheaper!!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 5:56 pm
by strangedaysuk

Not the first time I see....

Re: Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10? Cheaper!!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 10:36 pm
by mikb
strangedaysuk wrote:I guess it's a frustrating update because the new features are very much wanted.

They are silly small things that are more dot update features that you really benefit from but not something that's easy to justify shelling out £200 quid on.!
strangedaysuk wrote: On one hand a nice update on another a frustrating one. The store is going to look into it for me on Monday with Ableton and get back to me. Watch this space!
I'll be very interested to hear about this, but I have to assume a Live 9 Suite license isn't at all eligible for an "upgrade" to, Live 9 Suite. If it is, it is indeed a loop hole per definition.

Re: Ableton upgrade to live 9 will it work for 10? Cheaper!!

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 3:43 am
by pencilrocket
chrk wrote:
strangedaysuk wrote:Yea so it works out cheaper to upgrade from an earlier version. Nice!!!
Look at it this way: Live 8 has been released in 2009, Live 9 in 2013. Those who haven't upgraded since, may just as well be lost customers. The even lower discount prices might lure them back.

If you're not ok with the discoun't you're offered now, just wait till Live 11.
This is upside down world while company like Yamaha charging more fee for older version users.