changing MIDI value with a MIDI command from another device

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Farküs One
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:35 am

changing MIDI value with a MIDI command from another device

Post by Farküs One » Fri May 18, 2018 11:57 pm

I have a hot hand. It is meant for your finger but is essentially a midi controller that do anything from pend pitch to control another MIDI device. It functions by getting triggered with regards to whatever direction (Y, X ,or Z). ITs pictured below.

I have an alessis drum set and when it is used as the audio source from, the PVC pipes playt specific notes. The main pad I want to use for thid idea is one tom. The hothand can make control changes I want that change to change the MID note data being triggered with the hit by using the hot hand switch that change the controller. So If the tom is playing G1 and I want to to start playing A1 through using my hothad to switch it, how would i do it.


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Re: changing MIDI value with a MIDI command from another device

Post by blof_eld » Thu May 24, 2018 4:05 am

Assuming it sends out MIDI cc's, I would assign the MIDI cc coming from the hot hand to a macro control which controls the chain selector for an instrument rack containing two chains - one for each note you want.

You set the notes coming from each instrument by using the Note in and Note out (I-O button on the left of the instrument rack I think) controls for each chain. I'm not in front of Ableton but I think this is correct.

Let us know how it goes.

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