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How do you remove effects from instruments

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:41 pm
by TheLonelyStomachChillsUnlessItsDrunk
I'm playing with this drum instrument called Animals Kit, from one of the Live packs, and I like the kit, but there's this annoying ping pong effect on some of the drums that I can't get rid of. I'm still kind of new to Live, and I spent an hour looking through every component of the device and deleting everything that looked like it could be an effect, but still that annoying ping pong remains. I know it's not printed onto the sample because it continues after I hit stop.

It's frustrating because if I can't control the effects, the kit is basically useless to me. Hope someone can help!

Re: How do you remove effects from instruments

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:18 pm
by vido
Hmm.. it would be much easier to give some opinions on how to solve it if we had a screenshot of the devices.

I don't have that kit or pack you reference and can't find it after a fast search either.

It sounds like you are dealing with a drum-rack or instrument-rack. try to do something like this:


To the far left of the rack you will see 4 circles on top of eachother, either grayed out or yellow. Make sure all are yellow, that way you can see everything in that part of the rack. You may have to do the same "within" that rack, meaning making the four circles yellow "inside" the first rack. As there may be "racks within racks" (like a bag within a bag).

Within the rack you will first see 8 macro-encoder-circles, I bet you have tried all of those.
Next wyou will see a list of racks within the rack (in the image above Sampler, then Operator). Each of these contain instruments and effects.
You may have several instruments/racks within these as well.

This will make it easier for you to troubleshoot what makes that damn echo.

It COULD also be an enabled send on the track, probably to send B, as that is a delay as default.

Re: How do you remove effects from instruments

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 3:44 am
by chrk
TheLonelyStomachChillsUnlessItsDrunk wrote:but there's this annoying ping pong effect on some of the drums that I can't get rid of.
Can you name one or two of those drums? It's easier to look right at them than thump through the whole lot.

Right now I'm redownloading the Drive and Glow pack, since my current installation reports missing samples when loading the kit...

Re: How do you remove effects from instruments

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 4:17 am
by chrk
It's back on, and there's not much thumping to do.

There's an effects rack named "Audio Effects" AFTER the drum rack (so it affects all drum rack chains). Inside there's a Ping Pong Delay, its Device On/Of and Wet/Dry are assigned to a macro "Delay" on the effect rack, which again is assigned to the "Delay" macro of the outer drum rack.

Re: How do you remove effects from instruments

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:05 am
by pottering
Besides what chrk mentioned, that kit also has a Effect Rack named simply Delay (with an Echo) on a Return Chain.

Click "Show Chain List" (2nd round button in the top-left) in the "internal" Animals Kit (the one with the pads), it should show all the Chains including the Return Chains, otherwise there is a button labelled "R" in the bottom-left of the Rack that shows the Return Chains.

Some of the Simplers (well, one at least) have a LFO modulating Pan too.

Re: How do you remove effects from instruments

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:32 am
by chrk
pottering wrote:Besides what chrk mentioned, that kit also has a Effect Rack named simply Delay (with an Echo) on a Return Chain.
I had seen that too, but haven't paid much attention to it, but its channel mode is actually "Ping Pong"