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Sampling Hardware Drum Machine into Sample Library

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 8:07 pm
by johnnyokida
Hey all!

I am trying to sample all the drum hits/bass patches from an old SB-246 StreetBox (pictured below). I get the premise behind sampling the audio...but what is common practice for then organizing these sounds into my sample library?

1.) Do I sample the audio and then drag it into the ableton browser, into a designated folder?(I think I tried this and then ableton couldn't find the samples later on for some reason.

2.) Sample the audio and then export the audio to my harddrive (one sound at a time -- seems time consuming but not as bad as exporting a whole track)

Not sure how best to go about it so I can draw these sounds that I sample into future projects from the ableton browser.


Thanks in advance!