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Overlapping Midi Mapping with Push 2 and APC40mkii

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 1:17 am
by castawayplanet
Spent a literal day trying to solve this issue and no luck.

I'm trying to use Push 2 in user mode to midi map certain effects and such. I also have an APC40mkii which I am using to launch clips - but also midi map certain controls.

Running in a big problem that certain buttons on the Push (in user mode) will trigger certain buttons on the APC40 to also trigger - and vice versa. This problem is removed if I take one of the controllers off Remote mode in Ableton Midi Preferences, but I want to custom map both.

From the very sparse information I found online it seems like it is an issue that both controllers are on the same midi channel, causing an overlap of values. For the life of me I can't figure out how to change the channel on either, after trying:

Bome Software
Audio/Midi Preferences (OSX)
Custom MIdi Scripts

Loosing my mind, if anyone can help it would be veryyy much appreciated. I'm on Mac btw.

Re: Overlapping Midi Mapping with Push 2 and APC40mkii

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:32 pm
by Aleksandr_Sudin
Maybe select the certain controller from "MIDI From" of each track, but, I suppose, most likely you know it.

Re: Overlapping Midi Mapping with Push 2 and APC40mkii

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:16 am
by S4racen
Neither controller has an editor, so the only way to do it would be to use MIDI Translation software on the APC40 which would then be what you set as the input and output. This is a massive amount of work however, life would be much easier using a generic MIDI Controller like th MIDI Fighter Twister which is designed exactly for this kind of use case.
