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Quick export wav files?

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:42 pm
by Lumix
I want to sample some stuff from the Korg M1 or other drum synths, is there a quick way to save wav files into a sample folder?

like have all audio clips i have just sample and drag them after each other in a sample folder as wav file?
the only solution i found was that it was creating ableton clips, which contained in 3 subfolders the wave file i wanted.

There has to be a better solution?

Re: Quick export wav files?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 11:07 am
by Lumix
the sample problem remains, you freeze a clip, flatten it, find file in explorer and boom you cant simply import it into goldwave, bcs ableton uses some weird format - you resave the whole project to do so. Thats so bullshit. :roll: :twisted: