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No update of library when running a different sub-version

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 10:03 pm
by baseinstinct
There are surely reasons for 10.33 to update the library every time 10.19 was used, and vice versa, but if the library handling was changed to avoid this, diagnostics would be so much easier.

I have recently had a huge project break on start with no idea what was wrong. Turned out to be Thermal effect that would break the earlier versions.
Before I knew, each time I switched versions, live would keep trying to update the library. even now once the Thermal tracks are frozen, the earlier version of 10 is crashing. Still, I would rather keep it as the main one for 10 because it is much more efficient. When I was last closing the project it would use a stable amount of 90 -98 % CPU.
As I opened it successfully in the newer version of 10, the peaks would reach 480% before freezing.

Thus, having several versions installed has some good rationale. This also includes waiting with updating projects to upgraded versions until performance issues are sorted out. You may end up getting back to a minimum of two versions of 9 and 10 even once on 11. If each installation per the same big number kept its own reference files and if all the different big numbers kept their libraries separate on top of that, I think this would be so much more user friendly to all those who have huge multisample libraries apart from the growing main bulk.