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Backing Tracks - Mash-up's with tempo changes

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 8:32 am
by adonisdinther
Hi there,

I'm starting to use Live for the backing tracks of my band, great stuff!
As my band is playing a lot of medley's/mash-up's with tempo changes in the song.....I don't really have an idea what's the best way to implement this in Live:

1) Break up the song/medley/mash-up in different scenes. Every tempo change gets his own scene. This works....however, my scene lists gets very long and.....if I want to re-order the scenes I need to be very carefull to select all scenes which belong to a particular song/medley/mash-up

2) One scene for the entire song/medley/mash-up. This is my preffered option as it gives me a better overview in the scene list. As long as I do not enter a BPM in the scene, Live takes the tempo's from the automation which I created. But....when I enter a BPM in the scene...alle automation is overwritten.

I prefer option 2, but I would like to enter a BPM in the scene also for clarity. How do I make sure that my automation still works?

Best regards, Ruud