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quantize when launching scenes live

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:00 pm
by kebabman
Hi there

I'm struggling with quantize settings and any help would be gratefully received...

I have the stems of a track that I have chopped up into sections that I have consolidated into session view. I'm trying to launch each scene one after another. The track has a 100 bpm reggae vibe. I'm really struggling to get scenes to launch in time - either too early or too late!

On the transport bar, what's the best setting to use here?

Also, on the clip launch tab under preferences, what should the settings be here?

All my audio is Pro warped? Does this effect settings?

Ultimately, I'd like to be able to get scenes to trigger in order down the arrangement automatically in case I forget to launch them. Is this follow actions - if so how??

Many thanks in advance

Re: quantize when launching scenes live

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:39 pm
by S4racen
Yes it is follow actions if you have a clip in every clip slot across all your scenes you can achieve this in Live 10 by setting a Follow Action of next on each clip after the duration of the clip.

Clips should all be of the same length or set to loop until the follow action occurs if you want all your scenes to line up.

In live 11 you have scene follow actions which make things a lot simpler.

As for the Global Launch Quantize in the header of Live, try 1/4 for a beat or 1 Bar if you want to give yourself some more time to get things right...


Re: quantize when launching scenes live

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 7:04 pm
by kebabman
Thanks for the reply.

I'm still on Live 9 - the follow actions seem to be accessed by double clicking on a clip and looking at the wave at the bottom of the screen. I may have literally hundreds to do in 1 song! Can I apply this to 1 and have it copied across all clips?

Yes, my loop brace has been used to highlight and chop sections. The intro may be 16 bars and the verse 24 bars but every single loop within each 16 is the same length and every loop within the 24 is the same etc.

I'll try 1/4 and 1 bar in the global launch next to the transport.

There are some settings under preferences to do with quantize which I fear I may have messed up!

Many thanks