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Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 12:03 pm
by Mickz_

I'm running Ableton Live 10 Standard (Version 10.1.41) on a Macbook pro 2.7 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7.

I'm having an issue with moving between rows of loops using the play buttons in the "master" column.

I have a project with 40+ rows of loops set up, and I work my way down each row as my performance progresses by pressing the play button on the master column (see 4:28 of

I use a 2 bar loop delay change (not sure what the technical name for it is - the button to the right of the metronome) to help me synchronise my movement between rows of loops.

Suppose row A possesses loops each of 8 bars long (with warp mode on). For the majority of my performance, if I want to progress from row A to row B after 16 bars I can press the "play" button in the master column on row B any time from just after bar 15 to just before bar 17.

The problem I'm facing is that sometimes, for reasons I fail to understand, row A continues for an extra bar before moving to row B. I.e. I might press play on row B on bar 16 (of row A) expecting it to take me into row B once that bar finishes, but it doesn't and instead plays one extra bar (I.e. bar 17) and then progresses to row B.

I’ve made sure all my loops are the same length, and same warp mode. They are all the same native bpm as well. This problem seems to only occur within a specific section of my project, all the other rows transition between each other as expected and explained above.

If any one has any idea what might be causing this delay in progression between the rows of loops I’d be very grateful for your help.

Please let me know if you need any more information.



Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 4:35 pm
by Mickz_
Figured it out: To organise different sections within a song I had labelled different rows (in the master track): 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 (one of four, two of four etc.). However, using this type of labelling triggers time signature changes within ableton upon playing each row. So whilst one might start the session with a time signature of four-four, if you clicked onto a row labelled "3/4", for example, it would change the time signature to three-four time. This would then delay future transitions between rows in the way explained in the original post. Removing all these labels from the master track meant the time signature no longer changed and all transitions now occur as expected.


Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 1:27 pm
by [jur]
Haha, sweet one!
Glad you solved your issue :wink: