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Help me understand Random Macro

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:53 am
by maky355
So I started playing with this lately. I am trying to understand the introduction of "Randomize Macro" seed for macros. I mean I understand in essence what it is doing. What I am asking is if this is possible.

Example: Let's take a 707 Core kit Drum rack preset. Please load it
As you can see each instrument in a drum slot is actually grouped sampler with Tune and Level macro. That's fine. And then all instruments are then combined together in one big Drum rack with 8 macro controls (Low Gain, Mid Gain, High Gain. Gain, Drive Amount, Drive Tone, Glue and Vintage).
And that's fine, I understand pressing "Rand" will randomize those 8 macros from the main group and I can save random state if I like it with the New button.

What I am having a hard time to wrap around is this. For example let us take "Tune" control (it's a macro) in each individual instrument

What if I want to randomize with one click all instruments Tune macros. With just one click. I mean I am aware that I can go to a Bassdrum instrument and then hit Random, but this means that I need to cycle through each instrument and hit random in each one of them. What I am aiming for is there a way to press one click and randomize one specific control in each instrument in a kit?

Is it possible that someone can describe this for me? Or map at least two instruments in that scenario so that I can see how this is done.

I was thinking about mapping the Tune macro of each instrument to one of the controls in the global group and this way I could random all Tune with one click but that would mean that all instruments would be tuned to the same value? Or I could filter that somehow..

Or this is impossible to do with new features and I need to look for some M4L device.