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MIDI Monitor In/Auto//Off settings

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 4:19 am
by behndy
hello! bit confused about the proper way to use the Monitor settings on a MIDI channel.

if i'm playing a clip and have it set to IN, then the keyboard or MIDI device selected in MIDI from sends data to that MIDI channel. but then the clip playing... doesn't. with Monito set to AUTO, the clip plays but the attached MIDI device does not. seems like -

Monitor IN = MIDI From device only
Monito AUTO = Clip with MIDI data only

how does one have both going at the same time?

probably a stupid question, but that is my WHEELHOUSE.


edit - ah. have to have Record enabled. a bit counter-intuitive but i gettttt it.

is that the only way to have the Clip and an input device at the same time?

Re: MIDI Monitor In/Auto//Off settings

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 4:41 am
by Pitch Black
There are no stupid questions!

Arm the MIDI track to record and you'll hear both incoming MIDI and clip playback from that track.


Monitor IN = MIDI From device only
Monitor AUTO = Clip with MIDI data AND if the track is armed to record: MIDI From device

If you have the MIDI Overdub button enabled (the + button next to the transport controls, top and center of the Live window) plus the Session Record button (right had side of that little block of controls) you can overdub incoming MIDI into existing clips as they play back. Great for building up layers of drums in real-time. Overdub some notes, then hit Undo [command-Z / control-Z] to erase each subsequent overdub, all while still in record.


edit - ah you found it! But yes, that's the way to play back MIDI and hear input at the same time.