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Live 11 follow actions looping in linked mode.

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 5:37 pm
by jimbo9999
Hi everyone, I might be having a mental block here. I can't believe this is the intended behaviour but at the same time I can't find anything online where someone else has reported the same problem.

If I want to play part of a clip just once with a follow action in linked mode the action doesn't execute. The play button on the clip the follow action should trigger flashes but it doesn't play. However, if I click the loop on and off in the playing clip or change any of the follow action controls (switch to unlinked and back, change the action or even use the nudge buttons in the launch section) the follow action does execute at the end of the clip.

Another effect of what I assume is the same problem is that If the clip is looped the follow action doesn't trigger until the number of repetitions specificied as expected. However, if I disable the loop and re-enable it the follow action triggers when the head first gets to the end of the loop ignoring the number of specified repetitions in the follow action controls.

Asking here just in case anyone knows if I've missed something simple or a global control I should have set? Suspect I'll be raising a bug report though.

Live version 11.0.12 on Windows.