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Midi cc sent only once to VSTs

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 9:41 pm
by pangoweb
I'm trying to use Live Lite with neuralDSP plugins to play live on stage, and using a foot controller FCB1010 to change parameters on the VSTs.
First I've tried to expose the parameters through configure, but I had 2 problems : I can't seem to change the presets already created into the VST (can't expose them with Configure) and also I can't seem to use the same midi CC with the same value just to toggle an, effect inside the VST.

Since it is possible directly inside the VST and I already configured a Midi cc to toggle these effects, I've tried to just create a midi track and sent the midi messages to the VST. The problem now is that when I add a the VST on the audio track to which the midi is routed, all the midi CC work, but only once. If I press it again nothing happens anymore, even if, for example, I have toggled off the effect that has just been activated with a simple mouse click.
If I add another VST on the same track, same thing, all the Midi CCs work, but only once.
I can't seem to find a reason for that, but I'm not that familiar with Live anyway.
So if you have an idea... Thanks!