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SOLO Actions should be saved to UNDO HISTORY

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:49 pm
by tehskwrl
I've reached out to support about this one and wanted to make a note here as well to see if there are others interested in this.

As it stands, Live 11 does not save SOLO actions to the undo history, which means that any time you make a change to a track by SOLOing it, you cannot use the system undo action (ctrl/cmd z) to undo it. It was explained to me as a time saving feature but I find this to be more of a troublesome "feature" than a desired one as this design has other consequences.

Example: I have been working on a ton of tracks, going through and performing SOLO/UNSOLO on many of them. I saved my project with a single track SOLO'd, and closed it out. I remembered I wished to bounce it, so went back in to quickly bounce (but didn't know about the SOLO) and got a bounce of the SOLO'd track. Since this is the only change I wish to make in this circumstance (remove SOLO), I cannot save the project because pressing the SOLO button is not registered as an action made.