Reinstallation of Ableton Live 11 Lite Following OS Reinstall

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Reinstallation of Ableton Live 11 Lite Following OS Reinstall

Post by StevePostPunk » Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:20 pm

Any help would be appreciated.

I run Windows 10 on a Lenovo Ideapad S340 laptop. The short story is that I had to do a clean reinstall of Windows 10. I did two image back ups, and neither appeared to save everything. I had kept the Ableton installation files on an external drive, so I launched those to reinstall the program. It reinstalled without errors.

I had several key plugins: Modo Drum, Modo Bass, Syntronik 2, and Sample Tank 4. I was able to access them, but I had to "reauthorize" them with IK Multimedia. That worked. I also reinstalled my Focusrite software to get the Red Compressor and EQ plugins that come with a Scarlet 2i2 USB interface.

So, I got to the point where I could play these software instruments in Ableton without incident, but then I tried to load in the '.als" files for some songs I recorded. Some of the samples were apparently missing, and I can't find them. If that were the only problem, I'd probably be OK. However, now the program crashes immediately when I reload certain .als files. And for one of them, I get an error saying it is missing VST2 plugins for MODO Bass and MODO Drums. I don't believe these were ever VST2 Plugins. They are and were VST3 plugins. Also, when I used Ableton before the Windows 10 reinstall, the plug in interface asked for a directory for VST Plugins (as opposed to VST2 or VST3). That is no longer showing on the interface.

It seems like there is something I botched with locating the plugins, but I can't figure out what I did.

All of this started because I added RAM because my memory and CPU were overloaded by certain songs.


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