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Triggering edrums with MIDI and capturing audio...

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 2:04 pm
by inoculatedcities
Hello all. Novice Ableton user here having some difficulty with integrating my Roland TD-17KVX V-Drums with Ableton Live 11 Suite.

Running audio out of the drums into my hardware interface, I'm able to capture it in Live just fine. I'm also able to capture my performance as MIDI via USB with no problems. The difficulty I'm having is triggering the V-Drum sounds by sending MIDI to the device after editing my mistakes. This would seem to be a fairly straight forward task using the External Instrument plugin but, alas, I can't seem to find a way to trigger the drum module's sounds by sending MIDI to it.

I've installed the TD-17 drivers successfully and can "see" the device within Live. I've also made sure to change the USB mode on the drum module to "vendor", as directed to in the manual to enable simultaneous MIDI and audio via USB. I've also confirmed that these V-Drums are capable of sending and receiving MIDI.

I'd appreciate any advice or insight you might have about this. Thanks in advance.