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Can't use CV Tools

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 12:34 am
by charliechuck01
First of all, and I dunno if this matters, but the CV Tools instrument is not listed under instruments (as in the tutorial I'm watching) it's only under Max for Live devices...
But no matter where I drag a CV device from, I get a circle w a line thru it. I'm pretty certain my interface is DC-coupled, though I wouldn't think that would be the issue... Any ideas?

Re: Can't use CV Tools

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 5:18 am
by [jur]
I sounds like your Live and probably CV Tools pack aren't up-to-date, so first thing is to make sure you're running the latest versions.

Are you "pretty" certain, or are you sure that your interface is DC-coupled? There's really not many that are currently, and we've even seen "false" statements regarding this (I think it was with a Slate Digital interface).