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Midi ctrl Modulation not working

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:14 pm
by Kal38
Hi guys,

I have been trying for several hours to make the modulation work on a violin sequence. I want the expression of the notes to increase.

I choose Midi ctrl, then "11-expression".

But according to my research it corresponds to the Midi CC effects, so nothing to do with the expression of the notes that I play with Kontakt.

Does anyone know how to activate the modulation of the different elements (expression, pitch etc) with my Kontakt plugin (I play SessionString2 on it like this but he is modulating expression in LogicPro I guess)

Re: Midi ctrl Modulation not working

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 11:29 pm
by yur2die4
It’s possible that you might have cc 11 midi mapped to something else.

I guess I’m not sure if you’re using cc 11 strictly as automation in a clip, or if you’re referring to cc 11 as a midi control from an external controller.

With midi controllers in Live, you have ‘Control Surface’, ‘Remote’ and then just straight up midi input.

It gets a little tricky. If for instance, you midi map cc 11 on one of your controllers, then cc 11 will no longer be seen as a cc, and be more seen as a ‘remote’ controller that controls an element in Live. But if cc 11 is unmapped in Live, and your controller is set to the appropriate midi channel that Kontakt is looking for, then it Should work, no promises. This is also assuming that a Control Surface setup isn’t interfering on top of all that.