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Import changes the timing of .WAV files

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:16 am
by mlbex
When I export a single track as a WAV file, open it in another application, modify it and re import it, the timing is different and the starting point is eccentric; it does not start where I exported it. It also sometimes (but not always) truncates the cueing space, which has very faint sounds at the beginning (that silent space is necessary for cueing the other instruments).

1) The sample rate is the same in both applications (48000)
2) Snap is turned off.
3) When I listen to the .WAV file on my hard drive, the starting and cueing sounds are all present and timed correctly.

What setting is asking Ableton to modify my timing, and how do I get it to import a .WAV file without processing it?

Thanks, mlbex

Re: Import changes the timing of .WAV files

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:42 am
by Tarekith
Turn off warping for the clip after you drag it back into Live, does that help?

Re: Import changes the timing of .WAV files

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 2:05 pm
by mlbex
It changes the clip as soon as I drag it in or import it. However, I was able to drag it to the where the vocals started and stretch it to restore the original timing. I'm still missing the cueing sounds (ah one, ah two ah three ah four) which it clips, but I can copy that from the original vocal track and paste it into yet another track.

Since I am dragging or importing into an empty track, apparently warping is ON by default... is there a way to turn it OFF globally?

This seems like a lot of fancy workaround for something that should be simple. Let me ask the question in another way:

Is there a global setting or group of settings to instruct Abelton to *leave my sound alone* and not process the pitch, timing, or anything else unless I specifically ask it to? All I want to do is stack a bunch of acoustic tracks, put on a bit of EQ and (maybe) a slight echo... that's all.

Here's my formula for processing my voice (a sound pro came up with this, and it really does improve my voice):

Eq settings were low end roll off, small bump at 242hz and 1.6khz as well as a dip at 1khz.

Thanks, mlbex