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Follow Action - Scenes - FIXED + Demo Project

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:06 pm
by Riggar
I was much disappointed with what Ableton have cobbled up with 'follow actions - scenes'.

What I expected was to have scene A, scene B and scene C - and be able to do very similar things to scenes as we can currently for clips - so for example I play scene A 4 times and select 'Other' as the 'next' instruction and Ableton the plays either scene B or scene C x number of times. And so on with all / most of the possibilities available to clips.

What we've got is a track group jump command - which is fine and useful - but it'd be so much more useful to have the clip equivalent for scenes.

Re: Follow Action - Scenes - Big Let Down by Ableton

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:50 pm
by S4racen
You've been able to do that since Live 9 with MaxforLive...


Re: Follow Action - Scenes - Big Let Down by Ableton

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:22 pm
by Riggar
I had a quick look at the isotonik stuff and seems to be good for audio - wasn't sure about midi?

Re: Follow Action - Scenes - Big Let Down by Ableton

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:25 pm
by Riggar
ANYWAY - I stand corrected - see page 141 of the manual - where indeed Scenes can and do have the same options as clips (I thought it was odd not too)

Happy bunny now ....

Re: Follow Action - Scenes - FIXED + Demo Project

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 11:37 pm
by Riggar
I noticed that on the date of my original post, there was very little - in fact only 1 ( and not very helpfu)l reference re 'scene views'. Today I looked at the manual via the help option and now this manual version 11.5, has lots more detail - so that's good.

Download the Simple Follow Scene project from my secure cloud ... EHVhD7nquX
let me if any issues with the download - ta

To finally follow up on the new options for scenes - in particular the 'Follow On' options - I have put together a most simple project. The idea is to have something that will run forever and have different sections, where each section could run for a different amount of time.

The project has 3 scenes - they reside on line scene numbers 1,4 and 10 (on the master track) just to show that you can split scenes up and don't necessarily have to have 'stuff' in between

There's 1 midi track, I've used Ableton's Electric Instrument, but you can substitute your own

Scene 1 has 1 clip - 1 bar 4 beats

Scene 2 has 2 clips - 1 bar 8 beats decending and 1 bar the notes F A C E ascending

Scene 3 has 1 clip - 1 bar 8 beats all C4

I've given the bars different notes so that you can recognise what's happening as it plays through

Note my scene naming and scene numbers don't match up - they could do - up to the individual; they could easily be A, B and C

Now on to the important bit. If you click the grey number on the master track for scene 1 - you'll get scene 1's 'Scene View' (Page 141 in the latest manual)

Scene 1's left hand side 'Follow Action' is set to 'Jump' 4 - meaning when the clip finishes playing it will jump to the scene on line 4 - which is my scene 2. The clip will play for 3 bars because I've set the 'Action Time' to 3 bars. I've also set the right hand side 'Follow Action' to 'Play Again' (I'm not confident with the default 'No Action' for now). I've left the rest of the parameters as is.

Scene 2's left hand side 'Follow Action' is set to 'Jump' 10 - meaning when the clip finishes playing it will jump to the scene on line 10 - which is my scene 3. The clip will play for 5 bars because I've set the 'Action Time' to 5 bars. Now scene 2 has it's own Clip Follow Action - the first bar plays once then the second bar also plays once - this carries on until 5 bars have been played (As it's an odd number of bars - here you'll get 3 bars of clip 1 and 2 bars of clip 2

Scene 3's left hand side 'Follow Action' is set to 'Jump' 1 - meaning when the clip finishes playing it will jump to the scene on line 1 - which is my scene 1, i.e. back to the beginning, and it starts all over again

Ok why bother? - Well I do electronic music jamming over the internet with a few mates (check out Ninjam server and the new and very good client end Jamtaba - - it's free, really free) and it's really useful to sometimes have some background music chugging away for people to improvise/play over. Clearly, this example is all about highlighting how to do things - but you can probably see the vast potential here with not a lot of controls required. There's many 'Follow Actions' to explore