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VST development workflow - rescanning does not reload plugin

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:47 pm
by smatting
I just started developing a VST plugin. I haven't found a way to reload it in Live after I made some changes and recompiled it.

Here's what I've tried
1. Create an instance of my plugin
2. Make some changes to the code and recompile
3. Remove the instance
4. Rescan the VST plugins
5. Create an instance

This doesn't work: the new instance still behaves as the version before recompilation. Rescanning picks up changes to things like the name of the plugin, but not the actual code.

If I restart Live then any new instance of the plugin has the latest changes. So that's what I currently have to do. It's very tedious and slow.

Is there a better way? Im following the helloworld example setup from the VST3 SDK in Mac OS X.