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Weird Arpeggiator behaviour at gate values of 100% and 200% (precisely) and rates > 1/16

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:39 pm
by anparis
Hello and Happy New Year,

As I was doing some digging on Ableton Live's Arpeggiator device, I noticed some weird behaviour for gates values of 100% and 200% (precisely).

Here is the very simple setup I used to obtain the MIDI output of the Arpeggiator:
  1. A MIDI track, playing a 1-bar clip containing a simple C major chord and an Arpeggiator (default Ableton Live's preset) ;
  1. A additional empty MIDI track, with input set to the other one and armed for recording.
Next, turn the Arpeggiator rate to 1/32. The MIDI output of the Arpeggiator (as recorded by the second MIDI track) is as expected, see image below.


Now, increasing the gate parameter leads to the expected result up to 99%, as seen on the image below.


But then, with gate set to 100%, I obtain this really weird result below.


At 101%, it goes back to the expected result !


And then the same pattern repeats: it works fine up to 199%.


And then kind of breaks again at 200%.


I'm not observing this for rate values less than or equal to 1/16.

Can anyone shed light on this weird behaviour? Am I missing something or did I stumble upon a bug? (I doubt it, I guess this would already have been found long ago).



PS: I did a quick search on the forum before posting to see if this was a known behaviour and didn't find anything. Sorry if I missed it.