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Midi Clip Merging for Session and Arrangement-View

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 7:28 pm
by Erdbenutzer
There should be a way to combine existing midi clips into one.
As one other user already suggested per drag and drop... but that could lead to accidental merging / extra dialouge opening which distracts more that it helps, as it isnt a function you need all the time, but ultra sweet to have when needed. But the Drag and Drop Functionality coule be super sweet to have when wanted (allowing it via a extra setting could ease that problem out)

It could work that way, that i select two clips and the contents of the first selected clip gets put into the secondly selected clip, if more clips are selected in a row, all of the contents get put into the last selected one. (maybe with extra controls over the data it copies, or just plainly taking everything with it, that the original clip that was selected hat (velocity values / chance percentages and so on).

Just by simply selecting a few midi clips, then having a extra option when right clicking one of them, and have a setting -> "merge midi clips into one" / "copy midi information of previosuly selected clips into this clip" -> the last one selected OR the one that actually gets right clicked to use the setting / merge function. Which would also ease the idea of what clips to select first etc away. Just select a few different clips / or just two, and then select one other midi clip and merge all of the previosuly selected information into it.