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Instruments Out Of Sync Depending On View

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 10:34 pm
by Hylian_Seafare
RIght, so I have Ableton 11 Live Lite. I have one drum track and 6 or 7 other tracks I'm using for guitar. Now, as long as I begin at the very beginning of the song, both instruments are in sync. However, if I start the song mid-way through in Session View (this is where I did the midi drums), only the drums start where I want them to start and the guitars begin at the very beginning of the song. If I do the same in Arrangement View (this is where I've been recording all of the guitar parts and where I'll be adding vocals later on), it's the opposite with the guitar starting where I want it to start, but the drums starting at the very beginning.

I've no idea how to fix this and have them both start at the same spot regardless of what view I'm in and regardless of where in the song I'm at.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!