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wavetable polyphony > 8 voices?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 7:17 pm
by gringodane
Hello, I had a search around but couldn't find an answer, asking here:

I'm evaluating Live, looking for a performance instrument combined with some looping. I really like the sound quality of the Wavetable instrument, playing around with some presets starting from the FM Cassini Pad at the moment.

I'm playing a bunch of cinematic pieces - i.e. some Interstellar / Hans Zimmer and finding that I'm running out of polyphony so oldest note stops playing, even with when simplifying down the score a bit it feels a bit constraining. There's an E which is .... important :) I've upped the polyphony to 8, played around with Voices etc. Is there a way to get > 8 notes playing Simultaniously ? Or another instrument that supports polyphony better? It would also be interesting to hear a bit more about the setup of anyone using Live for performing software instruments with emphasis on live playing keyboards. Thanks!