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Audio not coming out of headphones

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 7:31 pm
by elliotdas
I've just gotten a new laptop and when I plug my headphones in the audio still comes out of my speakers. On my previous laptop, both Windows laptops, when I'd plug my headphones in the audio would just automatically come out of my headphones.

I've tried looking on this forum and the only solutions I've found are changing the driver type to ASIO. I have two issues with this though. The first is then I'm unable to watch youtube tutorials alongside, as it seems to stop all video playback on my laptop. I'm quite new to Abelton so tutorials have been pretty useful for me. The second is when I unplug the headphones it then seems to crash Ableton? I'm always able to recover my work, but if I accidentally unplug my headphones while working then it's a little frustrating.

I can't keep the driver type as MME/Direct X as it doesn't offer me the headphones as an audio output, just the speakers on my laptop. I've tried a few different working headphones/earphones and none have worked so far.

Any ideas?