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.vstpreset Magic Conversion from VST"V1" to VST"V2"

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 12:26 am
by oddeo
When a plugin is updated from Version X to Version Y, is there any magical way of converting saved .vstpresets to the new VST Version?

Many VSTs (like Guitar Rig for example) don't handle program change/MSB/LBS CCs very well, so I end up having to use .vstpreset as my main program organization method

I love a good plug-in upgrade, but I hate the "resave 200+ .vstpresets" of the new "VST Version X".

Does anyone know of a good way to "upgrade your saved presets to the new plugin version?"

[Side note rant (personal perspective)]

Hats off, champaign, and caviar to companies like Arturia that enable not only program change usage, but also bank change usage, so that users can organize their programs into categories that make sense to the user (Arturia version = Playlist + Song + Preset) and recall them easily in a live context, AND survive the V1 v V2 v V3 v Etc. continutum. Though companies like Native Instruments have some of the best sounding plugins on the market, their "mouse+video monitor" bias is a buzz kill for me.

[Sub sub rant]

Guitar Rig 6 crashes like a vodka guzzling driver when I send it program change messages. As much as .vstpresets are hard to upgrade when the new version of "XYZ" comes out, at least they are stable and organized. I was born around the same time as MIDI (78) and that the basics of MIDI implimentsion, which have been around for 40+ year, are missing, makes me fear for the future of music making (just being cheeky). I great up in a world of hardware, and as much as I love what my computer can do, I still prefer to not to use a mouse or look at my video monitor unless I have to (bless Ableton for the Pushs).

[Sub sub sub question]

Whatever happened to companies like Mableton that would accept money in exchange all of the Ableton preset files of your favorite VST factory presets? Please come back. I have a fist for of dollars for you (as long as you show up next version too)!