Is there a device that will randomize specific pool of parameters (genetics)...

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Joined: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:10 am

Is there a device that will randomize specific pool of parameters (genetics)...

Post by maky355 » Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:09 am

So I was looking at the Dune preset browser. They have something called "genetics mode" where you can select patches and generate a patch based on the "genetics" of those patches. I was thinking about it and I guess this (presumably) just means mixing the parameters between two patches in some controlled manner.

So instead of pressing some sort of "random" where you can expect crazy results, with "genetics" you say for example select two patches from the "bass" category, and then when you hit "random" you can expect something much more useful which will automatically sound as "bass" patch, based on these two patches.

I think I saw something similar in Reaktor where you can connect two patches and generate a third one.

My question is: is there something similar in M4L so that when you reveal VST parameter to Live, you pick certain synth parameters from a specific BASS patch and then take a snapshot of those parameters into a pool A, then you browse to a second "bass" patch and insert its preset parameters into a pool B and then you hit random for that pool of parameters from A and B and you get something more meaningful?

Does such a device exist?

Or for example, you get a grid square area and can place 4 patches in each corner. You then touch anywhere in the square and its crosses faded between that family of patches.

I've found this one but unsure if will it do what I described above:

Then there's this one which certainly looks as what I am looking for but there is no demo so I can not verify. Any input is more then welcome:

Posts: 238
Joined: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:10 am

Re: Is there a device that will randomize specific pool of parameters (genetics)...

Post by maky355 » Sat Apr 08, 2023 3:16 pm

Update: it seems Gradient is exactly what I was looking for. There's a free version so yo can check it out. Sorry for the thread but I am going to leave it perhaps someone I the future will lask the same thing.

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