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Option for removing the limit polyphony of 1 on the same note number

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 12:19 pm
by clmfrt

I've been using Serum VSTi for a long time, and now with Wavetable and the new Drift, I'm more than happy to stick with stock plugins. Except for one feature that is so cruelly missed in these synths (and in all other ableton's stock synths) : The option to remove the limit polyphony of 1 on the same note number. By default, when you input the same note number twice, it retrigs, but how awesome would it be if we had the option to do otherwise ?

It would open another door for sound design, making patches with long releases behave more naturally. Having this option built-in in Ableton's stock synths would be a dream (maybe in the form of an option in the device's menu, like it is for the "hi quality" option on audio devices).

Hopefully the integration of this is possible with the actual synth structures. I really believe it would take any ableton's user sound design to the next level.

Re: Option for removing the limit polyphony of 1 on the same note number

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 11:23 am
by maximejerryfraisse

Re: Option for removing the limit polyphony of 1 on the same note number

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 1:24 am
by Tsachi777
Just checking that you don't mean simply turning retrigger off when in polyphonic modes right? I know Operator and Analog can be set to either retrigger or legato modes so longer releases can behave how you want.

If I understand correctly, you mean polyphony for one note at a time, and monophony when switching notes? That would be interesting.