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Accessing Tuner note and cents in Remote Script

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 5:49 am
by mfrederickson

I'm trying to make use of knowing the pitch of a playing track in my Control Surface Remote Script. This kind of thing has been simple on anything with a LOM path, like a dial or number - I observe with a listener and am notified of any param changes. The Tuner however, because it's like Spectrum in being a read only graphic display, I can't observe it.

Is there any other way to have a tuner I can observe properties of? It's vital for my setup that it be available *in* the Python of the Remove Script. For example, are there any other VST tuners that are similarly as good as Ableton's, that offer modulation off the the detected pitch, such that I could observe that value? I've tried building my own pitch detection Max for Live device with retune~ in Max/MSP, but the onset detection is wonky and the cents are off compared to the lovely Ableton tuner.

Any ideas?
