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Finally, I managed to get the mouse wheel working in Ableton using Logitech's G-hub.

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:11 pm
by Troppo Red
Hello everyone,

I'm getting used to using the mouse wheel to control various plugins in Ableton, and to improve my workflow, I wanted to be able to use the mouse wheel to control Ableton's knobs and faders as well.

I had some difficulties finding a simple solution to use the mouse wheel for controlling Ableton's parameters. I searched online, but I couldn't find any solutions.

I have a Logitech G mouse (one of those gaming mice) and thought about configuring the G-hub application to bypass the issue.

I found two possible approaches:

The first one is to enable the G-SHIFT function, which allows the mouse wheel to act as the "Up" or "Down" arrow keys on the keyboard while holding down a key. However, this solution is inconvenient for me since I have to constantly press a key while moving the mouse wheel.

So, I thought about creating two different profiles: one with the mouse wheel acting as usual and another one that, when activated, uses the "Up" or "Down" arrow keys on the keyboard.

The second solution seems really convenient, but currently, I have both of them activated simultaneously.

I hope this advice can be helpful to you, and I wish you all success in producing music that reaches a global audience.

Thank you all, and happy music production!
