You could try to put the midi remote scripts to the following folder:
Code: Select all
/data/.config/Ableton/Live <current version>/User Remote Scripts
Yep, this is where I put my Remote script.
The problem is, it's not mapped to midi input/output - can't be currently mapped on P3S.
I tried mapping it on computer, saving to a set and transferring to P3S, but it's ignored.
The logs clearly state it's reading the Preferences.cfg file, but the Preferences.cfg isn't humanly readable, it's some sort of weird format.
(the Library.cfg is nice XML, so probably some legacy stuff - Preferences.cfg has the same weird format on Mac too)
So if we could hack the format of Preferences.cfg, we should be able to map Control surfaces and other cool stuff imho...
023-10-30T08:29:29.432074: info: AMidiIO: Midi Remote Scripts:
MidiRemoteScript 1 [Control Surface="AIRA_MX_1" Input="None" Output="None"]
MidiRemoteScript 2 [Control Surface="None" Input="None" Output="None"]
MidiRemoteScript 3 [Control Surface="None" Input="None" Output="None"]
MidiRemoteScript 4 [Control Surface="None" Input="None" Output="None"]
MidiRemoteScript 5 [Control Surface="None" Input="None" Output="None"]
MidiRemoteScript 6 [Control Surface="None" Input="None" Output="None"]
MidiRemoteScript 7 [Control Surface="None" Input="FromPush" Output="ToPush"]