All I Want For Christmas

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Joined: Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:28 pm

All I Want For Christmas

Post by DavidBailey » Fri Oct 13, 2023 7:12 pm

wanted to find a few shortkey topics but it would take me years to go through all the forum topic, sorry in advance if I'm re-hashing.

First the Practical:

1. expand custom key commands to load stuff from the browser (example Shift+1 to open vst compressor, CMD+2 opens a saved vocal chain etc.)
2. add "show in explorer/finder" for vst plugins.
3. Show/Hide plugins/samples etc. lotta 3rd party plugins and samplepacks make you install whole bundles these days (lookin' at U waves), would be nice if we could finetune our library a bit more from within ableton

1. select multiple tracks and change their inputs in ascending order, for instance by holding Alt while selecting input 1
2. "freeze all tracks with plugins", if tracks can't be frozen due to side-chaining or they're empty MIDI tracks add ignore tab
3. "freeze/flatten" as one-click option

add "+1" and "-1" buttons next to the Tempo and allow them to be short keyed. (maybe if u right click it could have +5, +10 etc.)

These are the basics I'm missing for a faster workflow. There's always more I know but i chose some features that in my eyes would hopefully not be impossible asks

In my wildest dreams:

Browser based ableton
This a loong shot but wouldn't it be amazing if u could open ableton on any pc/laptop through a browser. Just Login and have all your projects there, it would probably mean a lot of cloud storage and no 3rd party plugins unless ableton could encapsulate them somehow, or all plugins would have to be licensed and be able to run through a browser as well but one can dream....

AI to finetune Ableton
So.. programming is a hassle, There's more different cpu's, motherboards, drivers than there are complaints about no ARA2 on this forum. a DAW is never gonna run perfectly when it's programmed on 1 setup and then it's released on EVERYTHING. But what if there was an AI that could help, that could detect all unnecessary background tasks and shut them down. That could detect bottlenecks and rewrite Ableton's code to work the best it can specifically on your PC. It could send all it's debugging back to ableton and send out what it found to all other abletons and make sure this bug will never occur again, perhaps it could rewrite ableton as an OS and take out windows and iOS as the middle man.

These last 2 are just high hopes for the future i know..

I've worked with ableton for over 15 years now and wouldn't swap for any DAW. Thank you Robert Henke and the entire Ableton team for giving us the tools to find the depths of what music can be!!

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Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:46 pm

Re: All I Want For Christmas

Post by Tarekith » Fri Oct 13, 2023 7:13 pm

Santa doesn’t have that many elves.

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