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Ableton 12 for game audio - any update?

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 9:15 am
by pedronico
Hi Ableton!
I am a long time user, who deeply loves your software and general workflow. I currently work, as a composer and sound designer in game audio and unfortunately had to, given some shortcomings, resign myself to using logic or reaper for my work.

Reading the announcement of the update to 12 I started to read all the available material (from the site to the release notes), but I found NOTHING regarding multiple export from arrangement view, multiple bounce of clips (maybe with tail like Logic), sequential renaming of selected clips, more inclusive export (normalize, convert to mono, multiple format output, naming syntax, etc).

Before I pre-order 12 I would like to know if you have any plans to align, in this respect, ableton with other daws or if this is something that is not in the works at this time.

Thank you very much!